If you’re hungry and aren’t sure where to get food, there are a few programs available that could be of assistance. When you get help from these programs, you can usually receive much more than food. You can often receive an encouraging word and assistance in getting on your feet if you need the help.
Mobile Assistance
If you’re unable to travel to get food, programs like Feed the Children in New York City usually have a mobile program that delivers food. You’ll need to contact the agency beforehand so that you can be put on a schedule in order to have food delivered. Most deliveries are once a week or once every other week depending on how much food is available and how many workers are available to help.
Emergency Help
Programs like Feed the Children in New York City can usually help with food assistance during a disaster or in an emergency. You will usually need to show that your income has been reduced or that there is a situation that has occurred that has prevented you from getting food. When you get your food, you’ll usually be able to get information about help with utilities and ways that you can apply for work if you’re unemployed.
Summer Meals
When children are out of school during the summer months, they can usually get food from hunger programs. Some schools offer meals during the summer, and there are usually community centers that are set up to offer summer meals or bags of food so that children don’t go hungry.
Learn more about what to expect from hunger programs by contacting Heavenly HARVST at web.