If you have bad credit, you know what a hassle it can be. Bad credit makes it harder to get a home or an auto loan. A bad credit score can’t just change overnight, but you can probably repair yours quicker than you previously thought. If you are wondering how to fix a bad credit score in New Jersey, the following three steps would be a great start.
Pay Your Bills On Time
Make sure to pay all of your bills on time. This includes bills that don’t charge interest like utility bills or your cell phone bill. If you have missed payments, you will get bad marks on your credit report that could take years to come off.
Keep Your Balance Low
Keep the balance on your credit cards as low as possible. Your debt to available credit ratio is a huge factor in determining your overall credit score. Keeping it below 30% is a great way to fix a bad credit score in New Jersey.
Don’t Apply for Things You Don’t Need
Don’t apply for any line of credit unless you absolutely need it. Every time you apply for credit, it creates a hard inquiry on your credit report. Whether you are approved or not, it will affect the score, but it’s especially bad if you are denied. This is why applying for a lot of credit card scores can be bad for your score.
Unhappy with your overall credit score? Find out more about how to fix a bad credit score in New Jersey by contacting the pros at Square One Credit Management.