There are many things to consider when planning your next tile flooring project. For example, what surface will your tiles be covering? What insulation will you use, and many factors to consider. Nuheat creates several products that protect the tile you’re laying down and create unique heating solutions for your home or business. For example, the Nuheat Membrane is an excellent barrier to protect your tiles from hardwood or cement surfaces underneath.
Integrate Products to Create Heating Solutions
Many people underestimate how cold a building can become when the floors are not insulated properly. The Nuheat Membrane integrates seamlessly with Nuheat’s cable and comfort kits so that you can customize how much heat is transferred through the floor into your living space or work area. The cables from the kit run snugly along with the Nuheat Membrane so that your feet are always cozy and comfortable, no matter what the temperature is like outside.
Helpful Descriptions & Feature Breakdowns
If you’re someone who likes to complete projects on their own, then you’ll appreciate just how descriptive the information for each product on the site can be. You’ll learn everything a tool or piece of equipment does and precisely how to work with it to complete your project without error. Have more questions? Just call the number at the top of the screen to get in touch with one of the dedicated and helpful customer service staff to promptly address all of your questions or concerns.